Advice to give to someone who has endometriosis

Courtney • fiancé 💍 Boy Mom 8/2020💙 Expecting #2

My friend has been trying to conceive for the past 7 years and 3 years ago she found out she has endometriosis. I just had a baby in August and he alone took 2 years to conceive. Shortly after my son was born she came to me asking for advice in which I honestly didn’t have that much because I was never told that I was infertile I just had trouble trying to conceive for a while. I did inform her on two meditations to ask her OB about which were Clomid and Fermara (might be spelled wrong.)  i’m not sure if she did ever ask her doctor as she hasn’t responded yet. Lately she’s just been really hard on herself and came to me for advice again today. I’m just wanting to know if anyone out there does have endometriosis, what has helped you conceive or what is some great advice you’ve been given.?