

My son is 7 months old and spits up sooo bad! The second you pick him up he spits up and when you put him in the car seat when you get to the destination there is spit up all in the car seat. I have to clean it everyday. He’s starting to crawl but I won’t let him and leave him naked in the pack-n-play and wipe him down with wash clothes every 2 hours. How do you stop it!!! I’m so freaking done. I don’t hold my own kid anymore and I can’t go anywhere. He screams bloody murder all day because he stays in the pack-n-play. He’s 7 months old and gets hungry every 2 hours exactly because he spits up everything. He just started baby led weaning so he eats about an hour after his first feeding but he even even spits up all of that. Swear I’ve tried everything.

My living room reeks off spit up🤢