Early Pregnancy Symptoms ?

Jane • PCOS - Baby Boy born Jan. 2022 💙

So I’m new to TTC and I’ve had a lot of irregularity with my periods. My doctor thought I might have PCOS due to my blood work, but apparently my ultrasound was great. She put me on some glucose meds and it seems to have helped me and I’m excited to go through hopefully my first normal cycle in a long time! My husband and I didn’t go too crazy with BD but we did have some during my ovulation window. We know it’s our first month and we also want to make sure everything is working ok.

Anyways, my period is 3 days late if I’m having a normal 28 day cycle. I have been nauseous for the past 3 days now. I took a test this morning and it was negative.

I think my ovulation happened later than I thought so I’m curious if you can start getting pregnancy symptoms after implantation?? I’m cramping on my right sight, bloated, exhausted, nauseous, and bad indigestion. I know those are usual period symptoms as well, but I’ve never had the constant nausea and indigestion that I have been having these past few days.

I feel like I’m pregnant but I’m also thinking I’m psyching myself out and maybe just not feeling well lol.

Any advice would be great. 💕