Things not to say 🤬🤐

Mariasha • Enzo Joseph 💙✨ 2/25/2020 Ripley Rose 🌹 💕 8/31/2021

Things NOT to say to an exhausted, touched out, overwhelmed mother:

“Aw that sucks, that’s motherhood though!”

“Have you tried....*insert advice here*”

“At least he’s home!” (Referring to partner that is SLEEPING LIKE ANGEL in our room after his second shower of the day)

“You’ll miss these cuddles one day.”

I’m exhausted y’all. And I’m just trying to vent without the excuses. Just cause I don’t want to be touched for the 24th hour in a row doesn’t mean I don’t love my baby. Just cause I want to take a bath in peace without getting out half way through to feed and put the baby back to bed doesn’t mean I’m selfish. Just cause I’m SO READY FOR BEDTIME and frustrated when it takes longer than usual/doesn’t happen at the right time doesn’t mean I’m not present and involved and loving/patient during the rest of our day which starts at 6 AM. Sorry, I just got a v frustrating text and I needed to vent to people who get it 😫