Has anyone experienced this? Implantation bleeding?

Yesterday my fiancé and I took a little trip to his semi pro football practice. It was a 3 hour ride. Soon as we got there I lifted up to change seats with him and that’s when this watery clear discharge started leaking from my vag. I went to the restroom and wiped and there was some blood along with the clear watery discharge but it was super light so i thought maybe it’d stop. Also I didn’t have any pads. After about an hour and a half my panties and shorts were soaked with this discharge. I went to get pads and a thermometer and took my temperature and it came out to be 97.3 which is very unusual for me my bbt temperature is usually around 98.1. After another hour went by I went to wipe ad there was more blood but this time had a jelly substance with it. It wasn’t until on the way back (4 hours later) when I began to feel what felt like period cramps. When I got home I used the restroom and MORE JELLY substance came out! Only after this time I began to bleed a little heavier along with the watery discharge. My cramps didn’t stop until later that night. And the blood and watery discharge have now stopped. My period isn’t due until 7 days now. Please give me your intake.