Trouble getting aroused...

I've been having a really hard time getting aroused or staying aroused with my boyfriend. I'm not really sure why. I used to get turned on so easily and now its just gone. I used to be on the pill and my mental health depleted and so did my libido so I assumed that was the problem and went off the pill. I've been off the pill now for a year and my mental health is so great but my libido is still low. I'll get spontaneous excitement but its really hard to hold on to it and my boyfriend is lovely and he's trying very hard to help me but I think I need someone else's insight. Most of my closest friends are very sexual and aren't of very much help to me. I'm not a kinky person. I have tried but its not me, no shame to people who are but it doesn't work for me. Does anyone have any ideas I could try? I really like sex but I quickly stop feeling aroused in the middle of it. I'm so frustrated 🤣