FWB consensual sex

Okay so this is something that has been on my mind for a while now:

Basically, I used to have a friend who I would occasionally have sex with.

Before actually having sex, we had hooked up in his car a couple of times and done second base stuff but never the real deal cause I wasn’t ready yet. He was respectful of my boundaries and was okay with it whenever I denied going all the way.

The only issue is that the very first time we did end up having sex was when I was blackout drunk, only remembering parts of it but he was completely sober (as he had picked me up after a party.) Waking up wondering where tf my clothes were lol

And then the next times following it, had also happened when I was very drunk and sloppy/close to (if not) blackout drunk. Waking up and not remembering the night before fully. Whilst him being completely sober.

There was only one time where I genuinely had sex with him while I was sober.

I never felt forced into these situations and what not, and knowing me I definitely pushed myself onto him during those times because I am known to be a lot more horny when drunk 😓

But there is a small part of me that wonders if he should’ve just denied me all those times. Cause clearly I was not in my right mind and not even close to making a sober decision.

We’re not even friends anymore because it turns out that he was cheating on his girlfriend with me the whole entire time (diff story won’t get into that lol) but ladies let me know what you think please. This has been bugging me for a while now tbh://