
Every time I get on here I get a little bit more stressed out. Baby is coming in approximately 7 weeks. That’s NOT THAT LONG. I see all these posts talking about how having a newborn baby is so tiring, and I’m not going to have time to even breathe... but what if I can’t put my life on hold to be able to ONLY tend to baby 24/7? I can’t stop the world from turning. Why do I have to be the only one caring for baby all the time? What about my SO? I’m not breastfeeding, so he should be able to watch baby while I cook dinner, right? My SO cannot drive for legal reasons, so at 5:30 every morning, as soon as he goes back to work after baby, I’ll be getting up, making coffees and his lunch, packing up the baby, and driving him to work. I don’t have a choice in that, unless we want to be homeless because we can’t pay our rent. I don’t have a washer and dryer at my apartment, so I have to do laundry elsewhere. I can’t let it pile up or just do pieces whenever I need them. I’ll be doing college online full time, that’s not something I can put on hold. I can’t afford to stock up with weeks worth of groceries so I don’t have to go to the store. So what does all this mean for me? Am I going to go into a spiraling depression? Or have constant anxiety attacks? Am I even going to be able to do this? I’m honestly doubting my capability of being able to even be a mom, let alone a good one. I feel like I’m going to explode....