Is it just a period or...?

So my period was late for four days and on the fourth day I started spotting with brownish discharge, it turned into pink blood and had stayed that way for 3 days, on the 4th day it started to stay light but got a bit darker but no clots, nothing like my normal period my normal period is heavy and clotty sorry for the tmi. Anywho, today is the sixth day the bleeding is now light pink and haven't shown any sign of stopping, my boobs are hurting and I have no cramps, haven't cramped throughout this "period" does anyone have any idea what is going on, woke up today feeling really nauseous too. I thought I'd add that my periods are always on time, heavy and clotty never experienced a light light light almost non existent flow when I wipe it's one spot of pink blood

This is the test I took at period late day 3 and sadly looks like an evap.