I really just want to rant, but feel free to give you opinion and asvice

Alright so I dated this guy a few years ago and he decided to go back to his ex. It’s fine, no big deal he told me straight up. It was whatever. We lost communication after awhile and they broke up and he got into another relationship over quarantine this year. Again, they broke up (they both cheated on him) and he hit me up. To make it a short story about what happened after that, we had long, deep conversations about relationships, life and things like that. He said he didn’t want a relationship at the moment because he’s emotionally healing from his ex. Some ~things~ went on and he texted me one day saying we couldn’t meet up anymore because it hurt him too much emotionally. We remained friends and kept talking through Snapchat. Eventually, we have a conversation about feelings. He never rejected me or anything like that, but he said he needed time and time to emotionally heal. But since he has been so frikken distant. He won’t even talk to me anymore, he opens my snap and leaves me on open and only sends ‘streaks’. He won’t talk to me at all and he parties so damn much. He went from super caring and already acting like my boyfriend, to a complete jackass! I took a week away from snap because something horrible had happened. He asked if I was okay and wanted me to talk about it so I did. When I got back on snap, he didn’t even saying anything. Not a ‘how are you doing?’ Or anything like that. A frikken forehead picture. I bet it hes hurt and needs space, but you can be distant without completely disconnecting completely. And he literally asked me one day why I was upset, and when I told him he got upset with me. I know he can be sweet and caring in relationship, I’ve seen it. But I’m so past his cold-hearted stage. I just want to know why he started things again with me if he had no intensions with me. I asked him and he completely ignored it. It’s just an immature way of coping with things ?