What does it mean?

I was in a serious relationship before where my boyfriend at the time was always talking about wanting to marry me. That eventually changed to "I wanna get married and I hope it's to you". Not much later, we broke up because he got cold feet and the idea of marriage terrified him.

Now I'm in a serious relationship again and my current boyfriend is also expressing how he wants to marry me. This relationship is totally different and actually feels real and healthy- we're very open and honest with each other. BUT because of my previous relationship, I've been cautious. When I explained this to my current boyfriend he said "I would like to get married and I'm hoping that's in the future for us"

That phrase made my heart sink because marriage obviously wasn't in the future with my ex. I know two men aren't alike and I shouldn't compare them or have expectations for my current boyfriend but it just scared me that he said something so similar! Could this mean something else? I don't wanna get hurt again...