Just a few questions

Alright ladies so i am currently about 33 weeks pregnant and need a little advice on a couple of things. But just so the situation is clear: first i am having a boy so whoo! Secondly because of certain personal problems i would like to keep to myself (no offense to anyone) i am going through with adoption. I already found wonderful kind people to take little Eli Ray and it'll be an open adoption so i would get to still see him, plus they literally live like an hour away from me so we could see each other more than the minimum of twice a year. :) and lastly i have a family history of pregnancy issues so please don't get mad at me for being worried about it. Anyway, so my first question is for yall is how did you all deal with the back pain/baby "sitting" on your sciatic nerve? Second question is how did you all deal with the whole hips/legs forgetting to work in the middle of you walking/working or even just standing there minding your business??? Third question is what did you all do to relieve the near constant heartburn? And lastly how did you all deal the restless leg syndrome crap? Like my legs spasm so bad my husband has gotten knocked tf out by accident just for laying down by my feet.... Alright thanks for reading my rambling if you made it this far I appreciate it!!!! <3