Put my mind at ease...

Maggie • Wife to Cody - 10/17/2015 Mama to Shannon June - 9/29/2020 👨‍👩‍👧 Baby #2 Due June 2023 🤰🏼

My husband and I struggled for 2 years to get pregnant. It ended up being on his end... he had a varicocele, had it fixed and we became pregnant 4 months later.

I delivered a beautiful baby girl 6 weeks ago and just received my prescription for bc pills. We had said I wouldn’t go back on them bc of how long it took us, but now we are both going back on that decision bc I can’t imagine getting pregnant right now.

I know in about a year I will stop taking them to try for #2. Anyway, put my mind at ease that getting back on the pill will in no way effect me getting pregnant in a year or so.