What are your symptoms and how are you feeling?


Hi everyone! I am having my first baby and I’m currently 4 weeks and 1 day per the first day of last period method. I found out last week I was pregnant via 4 pregnancy tests (I was shocked so I needed several to confirm 😂)

I’m curious, what symptoms is everyone experiencing? When is your first appointment scheduled? What are you most excited about in this process? What makes you nervous?

More info if you’re looking for a buddy: my estimated due date is July 20th, this is my first baby, as of 11/11 I’m 4 weeks and 1 day. My method was OPKs. I got my BFP at 11DPO. I’m currently 4 days late for AF and just hoping this sticks. That’s the thing I’m most nervous about. My symptoms are currently sore breasts, and bloating in the lower abdomen, frequency urination, increased smell which cause mild headaches. Little moments of nausea here and there. I’m excited to enjoy this process since it’s my first.

Let’s talk and share!