What an interesting day


I had a missed miscarriage in August at 10 weeks. I got my period back in September. I tried <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> in October but never got a peak test. My period is typically very regular and follows the exact same pattern every time. However, this month I started spotting early. And the spotting never turned into a full period. I thought it was strange, but I figured after the miscarriage my cycle just might be different. I have been bleeding for the last 9 days. It has never fully gone into a heavy flow and has lingered at slightly heavier than spotting. Today I decided to take an ovulation test just to get a baseline for this upcoming month when trying to conceive. the test immediately showed a peak test which was confusing because I am not supposed to ovulate for another week and a half. I decided to take a pregnancy test and this popped up instantly.

To say I was confused is an understatement. Obviously I am very concerned at the fact that I am still bleeding and not sure if this will truly be my rainbow baby. My hCG levels were drawn today and I am waiting for them to come back tomorrow. My test is already darker than my last pregnancy tests. I want to be excited and celebrate but it’s hard after a miscarriage to fully trust everything will be okay. My EDD would be July 16th. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🌈