Ectopic pregnancy 💔

Merissa |

Here’s my story ... we started <a href="">fertility medications</a> 3 months ago we started on letrozole 5MG CD5-9 the first 2 cycles ovulated as planned but didn’t conceive (could do this on my own ) the 3rd month on letrozole I got pregnant! 🤰🏻 I found out Monday night confirmed Tuesday morning. I begin to notice some brown discharge that night but I called my OB and he said that was normal . It begin to get heavier this morning and I had some cramping with it I rushed to ER I had a ultrasound done even though I was not far enough along (5w+4) I was rushed into emergency surgery thinking we may have to remove a tube 😔 when I woke up my OB told me he was able to save my tube and just did the D&C it has been a very emotional day for us and I couldn’t have ever imagined this 💔 my angel baby 👶🏽 11.11.20 👼🏽 looking for other mammas who have been through this and would like to chat 💬