

Had a Laparoscopy yesterday due to suspected endometriosis:- and I was right!!! After years of crying to the doctors of the pain I was having and meeting every symptom 🤬🤬🤯🤯They also found I have something called adenomyosis. I had never heard of this before and it doesn’t sound good. I am not trying for a baby any time soon and the only *cure* is a hysterectomy 😔😔. I can look at possible treatments for now; one I have been offered which is the contraceptive injection called zoladex.

Anyway I am in agony after my laparoscopy. I was told it wouldn’t hurt as it’s only key hole and the recovery is really quick. But at this point I can’t see any improvement at all. The incisions aren’t the pain it’s what’s gone on inside me cutting away the endometriosis scarring. I have had a small amount of brown clotting as well when I wiped. Just hoping this is normal.

:-( :-( :-(