Oral sex

My boyfriend doesn't like going down on me because he doesn't like the taste. What are things I can do so He will go down on me? 
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Posted at
Well, some people just don't like doing it. But if it's the taste that's bothering him, try eating pineapple. I heard it makes you taste better. (: and just eat healthier in general. 


Posted at
Sometimes when you eat different food it will change the taste. Google it. Lol


Posted at
You can get like a condem and cut it into a square. He can then stretch it and hold it in front of his mouth. This will still feel good for you and he doesn't have to worry about the taste or anything going inside. (There are also things like this that you can buy rather then a homemade one out of a condom lol) 


Posted at
Try showering, maybe and i know they sell flavored lube.My SO likes it like that n i do too nothing like a fresh V and a frsh P


Posted at
They're is flavored lube for going down on guys I use it with my man all the time! I would assume they would have something like that for women. :)  hope that helps!