Blue Dye Test


I feel like I'm putting way to much though into this. I usually buy a couple .88¢ test a month, and they have worked great for me! This month however, my period is expected to come while we're out of town. So I got a pack of early tests. I didn't see till I got home that they're blue dye. I tested last night (4 days before period, and I know I should've waited till morning) and got a weird streaky negative. There was a lot of dye run. And now I have one cheap test, and one blue dye test, and I want to be as certain as I can at two days before my period.

So my question is, what's the best way to proceed? Should I save the cheap one till the day of so It'll be the most accurate? Do I take them both tomorrow before I leave (2 days early)? Should I dip the blue dye even though it doesn't specify on the box? (I feel like not dipping helped cause the dye run) Am I out if I test negative tomorrow?

I know I sound a little obsessed, but I won't be able to buy any on the trip, and I don't want to bring period stuff if I don't have to. Thank you for reading this far into my rambling 😅