Girl turns into Boy....

Ann • Nurse 😷, Farm Wife 2017💚, Boy mom 1/10/19💙, 👼🏻4/27/20, rainbow baby 🌈 3/1/21

Sooo ladies any mamas been in the same boat? I have a son that is almost two and 25 weeks pregnant with baby coming March 1st. We had our 20 week scan a month ago and it was new grad/new hire ultrasound tech and was “pretty sure” was a girl and told us she had a good shot of the gender and we were excited to be able to have one of each and I bought stuff for my “daughter” not a lot but some frilly things 😊 and then had a follow up scan to get better views of the heart yesterday and guess what we also found a penis! I am so grateful for happy healthy baby but yet is taking me a while to come to grips that I’m no longer getting a daughter but another son 😂 my OB was livid and said I was her first patient to have this in her 15 years of practice. 🤷🏻‍♀️ all in all just grateful babe is healthy!