Vbac experience?


Ladies I had my first (zoei) c section after being in labor for 16 hours and her not wanting to budge stuck at 3cm all day and part of night she was born at 8:56pm dec 13th 2017, im due with my second daughter by feb 2nd but my dr is wanting me to try vbac before a c section and im scheduled to be induced jan 29th , im so terrified.... my first experience was awful I was so miserable I puked all over myself and they refused to give me any pain meds until I told them off and they gave me something I am just scared ill be sitting there at 3cm again all day and in pain and the thought of having a baby natural is scary all on its own and I don't even know if my hospital will allow my husband to be there when im delivering I would be destroyed if he can't be there I dont want to be alone 😓 what was your experience with a VBAC?