is something wrong w this situation?

when i was 16, i was at a house party. one of my guy friends who had turned 19 a few months earlier (he graduated late) was also there and we had been talking and flirting all night. i was pretty drunk and not at all in my right mind, and he took me out to his car and got me to sleep with him. he did not use a condom and basically didn’t even ask if it was ok, but i was really too drunk to say yes or no. the next morning he asked to do it again, and i was unsure because i was hungover and tired, but he persuaded me and i just didn’t say no. lately i’ve felt like this situation is not good and it makes me uncomfortable to think about, and the times i’ve seen him i’ve been very uncomfortable. there’s really nothing serious i can do about because it happened a while ago, but am i valid in feeling like i was not completely consenting?