Breech baby 27 weeks


So .. my baby very well could have turned already.. last Friday at 27 weeks he was breech still.. i have a growth ultrasound at the OB Friday at 28 weeks and will see where he is at now.. i can never tell what position he is in at any given time because he moves so much... his punches are just as strong as his kicks..

I’ve been sitting straight — no slouching— waking 30 minutes a day and sleeping with a pillow between my legs already. My last 3 girls were head down at 28 weeks and stayed.. so this is why I’m a little anxious i guess even tho i know it’s early. This is our first BOY! My question is since I’ve never had a breech baby before— are odds in favor of me that he will turn eventually regardless? I’ve been so anxious over this and it’s bothering me!! I know i need to relax but i find myself stressing.