Tell me why! (Politics and family; don’t read if you know you’re going to get triggered

Why are people’s political views more important than a human life? Why is it so important to shut a child or anyone up for having a different opinion than your own? Why is Joe Biden or Donald Trump more important than your baby?

I’m in the process of adopting one of my friend’s sister because her parents kicked out and wanted nothing to do with her once she finally spoke her mind about the election and issues we’re facing right now. I’ve been communicating with her parents and they’re completely on board with me taking her, even going as far as saying “she’s worthless to us anyway.” How do they not realize how damaging is that to a child? She’s 15 years old, all she’s ever known to be her mother and her father are those two people and that’s how they treat her for having a different opinion than them?

Fast forward to this past weekend, I had a couple of my aunts and uncles over so that she could meet them and they could meet her. All of them had been tested negative for COVID, plus there were two only 4 that came over, so nothing too big. We got into a conversation about politics, making good and bad points about each candidate, some voices were raised, but nothing too bad. They asked her about her opinion about it, they wanted to know. Poor thing was scared, but she spoke her mind anyways. After the politic talk over we talked on about different things, and when they left she was confused.

“How can you guys act like that?” She asks me, “how can you still love each other after that?”

It took me a minute to find the words, but somehow I did. “We know we’re perfectly imperfect. I don’t live in their shoes, and they don’t live in mine, we understand that. Our love for each other is bigger than our opinions. We’ve all gone through too much to turn our backs on each other. They can say, think, and do whatever they want, in the end they know I’ll be here and I know they’ll be there too. Love from your family is biggest blessing you can have.” She immediately started crying and asking why won’t her parents love her anymore and asking what is wrong with her.

My family and I may have different opinions, but I’m not willing to lose them over something as stupid and as dividing as politics. We’ve went through hell and back together, and our bond will not break. I’ll admit his girl is white, but she will be part of my family soon and we’ll give her the love and acceptance she needs. Family isn’t always skin or blood, and I want to teach her that it’s okay to be her.

It hurts to know that her family is doing this to her.