Sleep changes

My son started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks old (9pm-6am). He did that until he had his immunizations at 9 weeks old when he started waking anywhere from 3-4:30. I would feed him and he’d go back to sleep until 6ish. Still, we decided to stop swaddling with the arms in thinking that was why his sleep patterns had changed. The first few nights we did that he slept through the night again so we thought that was the culprit. Now this week he has been waking up at 1 or 2. I can’t get him to go back to sleep without a bottle but he will go right back to sleep after eating. I am just wondering if anyone has any experience or insight to the sudden change? He is now 11.5 weeks so I know he could be going through a leap now but I am at a loss. He hasn’t slept this short of stretches since he was brand new. I am definitely getting nervous because it seems his sleep is getting worse and I go back to work next week.