Annoying Nervous about labor

Jay • Mom of three girls 💕 and last baby on the way 💚

I went to the doctor this week and I’m more nervous than I was before!

I was induced last time and really really DONT want to do that again. My first came naturally and had her in 9 hours. Second i was induced and in labor for 20+hours.

I asked her if there was any I could do to help avoid induction. She said no. Try having sex a lot towards the end. 🤮🙃

Then I asked if the reason my cramps after were so bad was because the Pitocin. They were so bad I past out from the pain every time I nursed my daughter. She said no. That I just had to power through.

These two things are my biggest fear and it’s sucks there is not advice and nothing I can do but power through.

I’ve had my first two without medication. I want to experience labor and my body doing it’s job with my last baby but I’m fearful of the pain being too much😭😭😭 but I’m also terrified of medication.