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I was raised in a family with lot of conflicts and as I recall my childhood , my parents were always arguing

Now I’m 26 and looking for a healthy and happy relationship but till now all Ive got were heartbreaks and I guess I’m trapped in a cycle that repeats my childhood experiences.

I know I’m just 26 But I’m tired of hoping for something to workout only to realise it was another failure and everyone including myself try to convince me that I don’t need anyone to feel happy and loved but deep down I do feel I need someone to share love and happiness with in order to become a more productive , happier and a better person.

Now my last relationship I thought I finally found the one( which I know it’s completely wrong to think there is only one) we were happy and we were so in fond of each other despite the long distance, and we were pretty serious about the relation but after a while only within a days everything changed. He became cold and i thought maybe he isn’t sure anymore so that’s when I started to make every mistake in the book and finally he broke it by saying he don’t have the time for educating me about relations

Now I know I made some mistakes and I apologised afterwards for my mistakes but i wonder am I the only one who made mistakes? Why some one who claim that he’s so honest and that he never felt this sort of connection with another woman would easily get cold feet and leave?

And why is he still sending me goofy or life related links in my DMs?!

I mean I still want him back and I must know if he really feels the same otherwise he is only making it harder for me to forget him.😞