i need help coping


So i don’t really think this is rape or anything but i’m trying to figure it out. my boyfriend and i have been having sex for a while and we both have pretty high sex drives so we do it often. lately though i haven’t really been in the mood - like at all. i have a hard time saying no to people and so when he had been suggestive i just kind of go along with it and pretend i like it so that he can still be satisfied and i don’t have to say no. because of this i’ve had quite a bit of sex i haven’t wanted to have. i told him all this last night and we both agreed that we aren’t going to have sex for a while and he wants to make sure i’m comfortable - even if that means we never have sex again. i’m really happy that he’s being supportive and super nice about everything but i’m still struggling to cope with the whole i’ve had a bunch of sex i haven’t really wanted to have piece. also i really don’t think it’s his fault at all because i never gave any impression i didn’t want to have sex even thought i really didn’t want to. so yeah. i mostly just needed to vent and i don’t really know how to cope with it.

sorry this was so long