I love my wife...

Robert • Father to three amazing kids...Kia and Cayden, my two step kids, and Skylar my first born. Also married to one of the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful women in the world who I love with all my heart.
But sometimes she has a really hard time getting close to me because of things in the past...we had a couple bad times when she was last pregnant, alot of arguments and sometimes I feel like even though things are way better now, I still get the cold shoulder...I know she loves me, she shows me in different ways, but I can't remember the last time she's said "I love you" first, asked for a hug or a kiss...she's my everything, and this doesn't make me feel neglected or anything, just would be nice to see a little more affection once in a while. What do you guys think? I know she's trying to forgive and forget things in the past, I can see it, but it sure is taking a while.