Freaking out


I just need some comforting/venting I guess.

So I took my 1 hr glucose test last Wednesday and got my results online over the weekend. Level was 131 which they flagged as high but they wrote that my test was "normal" so I thought I was good. Nope...Dr called this morning saying I failed, max was 130, and need to come in tomorrow for the 3 hr. I am freaking out and been crying since I got off the phone. I passed with my first child and compared to that pregnancy I eat healthier (on average...Halloween candy hasn't helped this past month) and weigh less. With covid my activity level has decreased but I figured it would be fine. Anyway I'm freaking out and super distracted. When I took my 1 hr I did first thing in the morning so I was fasting since 10pm the night before anyway. So if I fail the 1hr but pass the rest of the blood draws is that good? Looking for any info or encouragement. I feel like I'm failing my child already 😞