Passing out during orgasm


I’ve been married and monogamous with the same man for almost 21 years. He has learned how to make me orgasm with penetration. (I know. Every girl should be so lucky). I orgasm probably 95% of the time we have intercourse, maybe more. Sometimes, I orgasm really hard. In the last two years I have developed a bit of a problem. Every now and then, my man brings me to climax so hard that when I finish, I wind up passing out or almost passing out. When this happens, I remain in a state of complete helplessness thereafter, sometimes up to an hour later. I shake and quiver and sometimes I get cold even when the room is sufficiently warm. I can’t speak. I can’t form words. Sometimes I lose hearing and I am just “out of it”. My husband is an EMT and he says I act like I am coming out of a seizure. We never know when this is going to happen, but it usually happens when my orgasm is particularly intense. My husband loves when I cum hard, but lately he has been compromising my orgasmic experience because he is afraid of me passing out. Today didn’t help make him any more comfortable with this. Today when I got home from work, he gave me some “welcome home” time and it happened again. I almost passed out and couldn’t seem to “come back”. I’m kind of concerned. I was completely out of it and unable to communicate or function. My husband propped me up in his arms and held me for over 45 minutes before I came back to my senses. I can’t remember the first fifteen minutes after I orgasmed. I was looped. I know I need to see a doctor and I’m going to, but I’m wondering if any other women have dealt with similar issues. I know it probably sounds like I’m bragging about our orgasmic chemistry, but this issue is starting to concern us. We used to laugh and just chock it up to my husband rocking my world, but he isn’t so convinced anymore. He worries and I do too. BTW, yesterday was ovulation day. I am going to start tracking when in my cycle these issues occur. In the meantime, anybody have any thoughts?