I want it back

I just want my precious, beautiful sleep back. I’ve got a difficult baby on my hands. Baby will be 3 months on the 27th. Not one glimmer of hope that baby will stop crying all the time & start sleeping thru the night. Because for my sanity I need it. But I don’t see it happening. Then we will hit the 4 month regression etc etc all the other things. I think baby will continue to drag me thru the mud for the next 6-9 months or longer & not sleep, not let me get things done, not let me have peace. My first baby was a breeze. I don’t understand how I could give birth to 2 children from the same vagina & they be night & day different. It’s literally driving me insane. Example....today baby had 36 ounces of formula. Heck in my desperation I have a 4 ounce bottle with oatmeal cereal in it trying to stuff the belly so the night time will be better but NOPE. Didn’t work. The last bottle was 7 ounces at 10 p.m...baby was back up before 2 a.m freaking out & didn’t stop til I gave ANOTHER 7 ounces. This can’t be normal. Baby isn’t a huge baby. And was right at 12 pounds at 2 month checkup. I can’t figure it out. Doesn’t like swaddle. White noise is on all night. Obviously eating a lot getting calories in during the day. Pretty decent naps that do not go past 2 hours. I’m doing all I know to do but all in vain. I’m tired of it. Sorry. I love baby but I’m pissed at baby most of the time cause I’m not functioning at my best mentally or emotionally cause of lack of sleep for the last 3 months. Smmfgdh

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Posted at
I think you are expecting too much from your baby. I’m not trying to be mean so please don’t take it that way. I think you should cut your baby some slack. Filling up their bellies with oatmeal before sleep won’t help them sleep longer. They’re still very young and while sleeping through the night is great, you shouldn’t be expecting it yet.I have 3 kids. My first one slept through the night at 4 months after a week of sleep training him. He was a fairly easy baby. My second is about to turn 2 and she STILL does not sleep through the night. Every attempt of sleep training her failed. Letting her cry it out makes her cry for hours and throw up all over her bed from screaming. There’s nothing I haven’t tried. We have come to the point where we just accepted that she’s as bad of a sleeper as I am and that we have to adjust. We bedshare with her and it has saved everyone’s sanity. August baby is number 3 and she has slept through the night since she was 8 weeks old. By herself. No sleep training. I didn’t even have much of a routine. Despite her reflux she’s my easiest baby so far. They were/are all so very different. Just because your first was easy doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with your second.Do you have any help? A partner who could take over “night shift?” Are you able to nap with baby during the day? Every mom needs a break sometimes. I understand you’re frustrated. I went through this with my second as well. Sometimes you gotta pick your battles


Emma • Nov 24, 2020
What type of sleep training did you do at 4 months ? I completely agree with your comment by the way.


Posted at
I would definitely recommend getting your partner or a family member involved. If baby is bottle fed then get someone else to take over for a few hours so you can catch up on sleep. My baby is breast fed but at 8.30pm he’s my husbands for the evening and he gets a bottle. I get stuff done and then go to bed even before my son sometimes


Posted at
Please please please DO NOT put anything in your babies bottle! Can you not have some help at night if baby is bottle fed?


BB • Nov 29, 2020
No I am not from the US and yes it’s banned where I am! It’s a choking hazard and dangerous. For reflux only infant gaviscon , gripe water and anti reflux milk is suggested. I’ve seen 10 paediatricians over 7 years. I’m telling my experience and what my children’s doctors say so I’ll stick with them no some random from the internet thank you


carrie • Nov 29, 2020
Also gripe water is recommended against by some peds too lol depends on who you go to I guess! But my daughter does great with it I also don’t add as much as the container says either! I do 3/4 of a tablespoon in 9oz


carrie • Nov 29, 2020
Are you from the US ... I can tell you I am an FNP and it isn’t banned... and pediatricians DO recommend it for babies with reflux... amazingly my daughter is alive and well and doing just fine with her cereal in her bottle... the chocking hazard comes with those who get larger cut nipples for babies who can’t handle it... I also didn’t do that she uses her age appropriate bottle


Posted at
I want you to go get a snack and drink for your older little one. Then go to attend to baby and feed, burps, change diaper, get suckie, cozy baby blanket and put baby in crib. Then I want you to shut door and walk away. You are allowed time outs. All babies are different one could be a breeze then other could totally be the opposite and that is ok. Just means you gatta learn new ways. You got this.If you have help at home (bf, gf, husband, wife) explain to them that it's important that you also need to look after you. So tell them that your taking the night sorry if he/she work. But you do need you time. If babe sleeps during the day make sure your other little one is comfy cozy and secure (I use baby gate) I nap when I can with babe


Posted at
My first was this way. It did get better after 3 months when she could rollover and sleep on her tummy and when she was old enough to be entertained by her toys. In general she just wasn’t an “easy” baby. She wanted to be held 24/7. It was hard to even shower and eat. I had prepared myself for the same with my second but he’s what people would call “easy”. He wakes up only once at night around 3:00am. I did nothing different. I feel it’s just their temperament. But don’t worry, it does get better.


Posted at
I would look into Taking Cara Babies classes. I did the newborn class around 8 weeks and it was my life saver. But that one is only good till 12 weeks, but she has several others. They’re not cheap but on her website it says there’s a money back guarantee if they don’t work. I would email them and maybe ask the stipulations with the money back guarantee. My first was a breeze too and my August baby was a polar opposite nightmare to start. But being a 2nd time mom when I saw the prices on the classes my first thought was “you have to be kidding me” but as I neared the end of my maternity leave and she was still waking up every 2-3 hours through the night I panicked and thought what do I have to lose now and bought it. I’ve been told if you dig through her IG/FB that you can find a lot of content, but I was also too exhausted to do that and was willing to pay the money to have it laid out in front of me lol.