Dear future baby,

I’m heart broken. All I want to do is cry but I’m trying my hardest to stay strong. Today’s thanksgiving and what a perfect gift it would of been to get a BFP today. I was preparing myself that it’s most likely a BFN but as each month passes by I have high hopes. Maybe this month is our month but it never is. BFN is what I got! I’m starting to loose hope that we will ever be pregnant. It seems like for everyone else it’s so easy, everyone is posting their pregnancy announcements or pictures of their new born baby’s and that’s all I want! Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a mom! I know it’s all in Gods timing and it’ll happen when he knows is best for us! But waiting and trusting him is the hardest part! One day I’ll get that BFP and we will have our pregnancy announcement and I’ll give birth to a beautiful healthy baby!

Love your future mom.