Plus size beauties!

Ugh... So where do I start? Haha at work yesterday everyone says I'm starting to show- I really just don't believe them because I'm chubby... But hey maybe I am.. Then I went to the dr to hear my little piggles heart beat! 💗 it! It was at 147! But then doc got serious and said I really need to watch my weight gain (I've gained 9 lbs in a month!!) wth!!! It's not like I gorge all the time or that I always eat bad... 😔 dr said I could have a heart attack or a stroke and baby could be still born... (I'm sure just the risks of being chubby)... But it still scares me. So she wants me to see a cardiologist.. Has anyone else had to do this!!? She says she just wants to be proactive so she knows what she is up against... Just need some friendly support and or advice... 😘 thanks ladies! Here is a pic of me yesterday...