Early arrival 11/22 - Parker Riley


Well- I had a strong feeling baby girl would arrive before my scheduled C-Section on 12/7 (due date 12/12) and I was definitely beyond ready from a physical comfort standpoint. Well my intermittent contractions became more consistent after a morning full of nesting last Saturday - rest and hydration did not do much to slow them down. Doc advised me to come get checked if they were 5-7 min apart or increased in intensity. After sleeping for a few hours, I awoke with painful contractions in my back every 5 min or so. Decided to head in. When we got there on Sunday AM around 4:30 - I was 2 cm dilated but showing consistent and strong contractions. They watched me over the next 2-3 hours in triage and agreed they could not send me home as I was in active labor - so once I was showing cervical progression (3 cm and 80% and soft) - they brought me back to the OR. Baby girl was delivered on 11/22 at 8:35 am weighing a healthy 7 lbs 11 oz.

Discharged home on Tuesday PM

Since home, her 3 day bilirubin came back elevated - so we are doing phototherapy at home.

Anyway- so grateful for this community throughout the journey. Positive wishes for each of you. As uncomfortable as you might be, keep those babies in to cook as long as you can so they get all the good stuff you can give them!