39 weeks, what can I do to help things along?


Hi all! First time mum here, feeling a little silly...

Sorry in advance as this started as a quick question and turned into a bit of a vent.

I've finally almost reached my due date (1st December!!) But dont feel like baby is coming any time soon...

I'm measuring big, and have put on loads of weight this pregnancy. I went from 8.5 stone to now being 11.5 stone. The thought of another 3 weeks to 42 weeks terrifies me...

I want a natural birth but the thought of the baby getting bigger and bigger, and the chances of me going past my due date as a FTM are really starting to weigh on my mind... the thought of a c section terrifies me.

Baby is engaged, or at least head down is what the midwife has told me.

My sexlife has been zero since getting pregnant. Firstly it was the sickness, then tiredness, heartburn, and feeling uncomfortable. Now it's just too painful to try like my body just isnt in the mood. I think weve had sex maybe 5 times these past 9 months...! Luckily my partner is very understanding.

I have daily lower back pain whi h is getting worse, but I dont think my stomach has dropped yet and I dont think I've had any contractions either.

Mucus plug still in tact, nothing other than loads of discharge which isnt mucusy at all but floods my underwear so I'm wearing pantyliners.

I have pelvic pain (feel it in my inner thigh/groin like it's about to be a really bad muscle cramp) and occasional pains in my lower tummy that feels like baby is head butting my cervix! That is really painful, feels like someone electrocuting me!

Walking is painful, and I'm getting out of breathe just getting in and out of bed, or walking down the stairs.

I've been booked in for a stretch and sweep at the cloest appointment I could get with my midwife after my due date, and in general I'm just feeling really emotional and anxious about everything now... especially with the local lockdown, it means I actually wont be able to even see my family after giving birth until some of the restrictions are lifted (whenever that happens) Not even my own mum...

Sleeping is non existent. I am awake every 30 mins to roll over or get up to pee. Rolling over is painful, and I'm suffering with extremely number arms and hands in the night which is also painful.

I finished work last week to take 2 weeks off before my due date, and I've done nothing but watch stupid videos on my phone and cry. I have no motivation to nest and I'm tired...

I know this is the final hurdle...

Is there anything I can do safely from home to get things moving along a bit myself?