Praying this is it 🙏🏼


Hi Ladies!

I’ve been fairly quiet in this group but have been rooting each and every single one of you on. Some of you have been in previous groups with me and I know how much of a struggle you have had. For myself I had my first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle Oct 2019, 1st FET in November 2019 with a PGS tested embryo which was successful but ended up miscarrying at 7 weeks. Went on to have second transfer in March 2020 which failed. Then did ERA which came back receptive and did 3rd transfer of 2 PGS tested embryos in August... which to everyone’s surprise failed again. I had no more embryos so we did another retrieval, decided not to PGS test this time around since I had good results the first time (4/5 normal) and transferred two 4BB embryos on Sunday. Just got my positive on a digital at 5dp5dt (technically 4.5dp). I decided against line tests because I don’t want to make myself crazy.

I can’t stop crying and praying with all my heart that this will be my take home baby (or babies 🙏🏼) I’m so happy yet so very scared