Weight Gain


I just went to my 28 week appointment, and it wasn't with my normal doctor. She was out so it was another in her practice. This was my first time seeing anyone else, and she made me feel horrible. I was having minimal weight gain until this last month, but this month I gained 8 lbs which brought me to 20 lbs total for the pregnancy.

She was pretty snarky and I was trying to explain that I hadn't changed any eating habits, I would even say I ate a but less because after work I haven't really been hungry. I've also been using the water tracker to make sure I get 8-10 glasses of water a day. The last few days my feet have been swelling so I wondered if maybe that was part of the reason, and she also didn't have me take my shoes or hoodie off like my normal doctor does. Has anyone else dealt with a big chunk of weight gain? I want to do what's best but besides the once a week cup of coffee I've been pretty good on what I eat.