I need relief 😫

Their_Mommy 💟 • Risingfromrockbottom.com Blog meant to help the suffering 💛

Mommas.. I feel almost guilty even writing this, as I know I am blessed to even be able to carry a baby... but I am miserable. I’m 37w, and I’m not rushing my little guy as he is my last, but I seriously need some home remedies or advise for relief. This pregnancy has been anything but sunshine and rainbows. Chronic hypertension and now gestational diabetes, my little guy is apparently measuring ahead and has a larger abdomen, so I have a scheduled induction here soon. But in the mean time, I am struggling with a general feeling of just being unwell if that makes sense? Like I can’t get comfortable to save my life. I feel like I’ve been doing squats all day, although it’s only my inner thighs 😫 I’ve been dealing with on again off again back pain and period like cramps. I can’t take a bath because I feel like it further irriates things, but other than that anything else I could try? Tylenol doesn’t really touch anything, and I’m currently lying on my left side, and sort of propped up, but again any advice or tips are welcome. I need to get through these last couple of weeks 😫