Let me just vent here for a second...


You guys are always so kind, and I just need to get this off my chest.

I’m 31 weeks pregnant. This will be our second baby, another girl. Ever since we moved in July, my husband has been talking about #3! And I’m not entirely sure I want 3 kids. I’m 30 years old and I stay home, but I love my career and would like to return when the kiddos are both school age.

Anyways, my BIL is visiting. He’s a hot mess to say the least. He’s 47 and still hasn’t quite figured out life. He just graduated with his associate’s, and he is squatting in my basement until he takes his boards, because he is homeless. He is probably the least responsible person I know. Recently he’s been trying to have a baby with random chicks that are willing to have a child with him. People who are also not in a great place in life. He is desperate to have kids.

The FIRST conversation he has with us upon arrival after touring our new home is about kids. He tells me we absolutely have to have a third. He tells me it would be a complete “tragedy” if my husband never got to have a son. I informed him we could easily have a third girl, and that we love our little girls, and my husband is a great girl dad. He went on about passing down the family name and how it would be devastating is my husband never got to name a child after his late cousin and best friend. I informed him that there’s a lot to consider when having kids. We want to continue to live comfortably and such. He tells me my husband would work a bunch of jobs if he had to, in order to provide. Seriously? He already has a career and is in the reserves. I wouldn’t want to have a bunch of kids and then daddy is never around.🤦‍♀️ I explain that, and also that pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is no walk in the park. It’s my body and I get to have a say in how much I can handle.

I just feel so frustrated. I know he is coming from a place of ignorance, but seriously. Like let me get this second baby out. The conversation was very upsetting.

His entire visit has been rough so far. And there’s truly no real end in sight. Pray for us. 🤦‍♀️😂