Single Mom bitter Ex stay motivated !!!

I was in an abusive marriage and left two almost three year’s ago. My ex husband was abusive in every aspect, he would make up lies, and continues to be emotionally abusive and is now emotionally abusive towards our three year old daughter.

I’m working on me and regaining my life for me and my children.

One thing I remind myself on hard days when he try’s with his manipulative tactics is that the best thing I did was remove my children from the dysfunction, although we where homeless in a shelter a brief while, I remained consistent, we’re stable, there’s no abuse in my home and my children all continue to stride and thrive wonderfully.

Her father constantly says our daughter says I spank her and it hurts, her brothers hurt her, ask her questions like “Who touches you?”, or about my personal relationships, he refuses to help financially, continues to call and argues to where he’s been blocked over a year, creates made up issues just to try to control or hurt me, threatens with the court although he’d be find in contempt of the court orders.

My daughter is in counseling as a support so that all of which can be documented and he isn’t aware, I continue to just ignore him because I know he’s sick. I pray over my daughter and will continue to build as much support around her until the day come to make necessary adjustments through the court.

It’s sad when you have to deal with a person like him but the best thing I did was leave, I’ll continue to fight for my daughter and soon the time will come where all the drama stops.

It’s hard, it’s been hard but I look at my life where it was, depressed, sexually abused, financially, emotionally, physically. How I tried to fight back and would fail. Day’s being tortured with no lights because we had a box he’d control, day’s sitting in 120 degrees with no AC, no food because he’d leave for over a week, looking and feeling hopeless with my kid’s, trying to fake happy when I knew it’d be an issue a day later. I’m free, and no matter what lies he tells my kids, my daughter is happy, that’s all that matters.