Please help!

Mama Tater💕

Does anyone have tips for dealing with absolutely terrible upstairs neighbors? We’ve lived in this apartment for like 13-14 months and I’m absolutely at the end of my rope. They’re so loud and obnoxious. They slam doors so hard it shakes our entire apartment at all hours of the day/night we can’t even hang pictures or anything because it knocks them down. They Constantly blast music till 4am and later. Our complex has quiet hours from 11pm-8(?)am. Nonstop stomping and screaming. Constantly sounds like they’re trying to use a bowling ball as a bouncy ball. People are constantly coming and going no matter what time it is. We have a patio that we have used twice the entire time we’ve lived here because they constantly throw cigarette butts down. They’ve dumped what I can only assume is water down directly onto it from their balcony. I watched them throw a gigantic portable greenhouse over the edge. My son isn’t sleeping anymore because they’re constantly just waking him, I’m so exhausted from not sleeping because of this. We’ve tried calling the cops but it just made it so much worse. We can’t even confront them because of how hostile they get with eachother we fear what would happen. We tried setting up an appointment with our main office to discuss them but there isn’t a property manager currently so I have yet to get phone calls returned.