PCOS & Clomid

Katelyn • 060617💙

I got pregnant with my son 4 years ago on clomid.. before the doctors put me on Clomid..I had an HSG done to check if my tubes were blocked and they kind of were and the test basically “cleaned the webs in my tubes” I got pregnant my first cycle on Clomid 50mg.

Fast forward we are ttc baby #2.

My doctor put me on Clomid and I’m on cycle day 12 so I haven’t ovulated yet( I’ve been taking ovulation test morning & night) still waiting.

I’m just concerned if my tubes are blocked again? Possibly? I clearly won’t know till after this whole entire cycle if Clomid worked or not but anyone experience tubes blocked after HSG years ago? I do have PCOS always have since I was a teenager