Breastfeeding and I feel emotional

Hello ladies I had my baby on October 26,2020 & before this I decided to breastfeeding/formula my husband insisted to breastfeed completely (no formula) so I went ahead and did so since he wouldn’t want to compromise. Since having my babygirl I have breastfeed fully. This is where I begin to feel emotional I don’t work at all due to breastfeeding and I can’t get no milk out of me through pumping babygirl get more milk out of the. Boob than the pump I barely get a oz through the pump idk why I have talk to a lactation nurse and used a manual pump as well and nothing 😢. So I decided to bring up the formula to my hubby I told him I can breastfeed when I am home but while we are away or I am I can give her formula up until I get back home he has refused. When we go visit his fam I need milk to take I don’t feel comfortable to feed infront of his family especially his cousins I just don’t not only that but I’m not comfortable with myself yet. When we are away from our house and infront of others and baby starts to cry I panic because I have to whip out the boob infront of people and they just stare. I can’t go to the store or pick up medication etc. because I have to worry to drive back home fast just in case baby gets hungry . Keep in mind I leave her fed but she has been eating a lot lately ..... i get sad cause hubby wants to go out to the park or store and I refuse to go cause I’m not comfortable with me .... I feel like I have no say at this point I want to do both not full time formula just only when we are away or I am