Am I testing to soon?


My husband and I just began TTC and now I have some questions.

I was on birthcontrol for 7 years prior to this and came off about 2 months ago. It was the 28 day pill so my hormones still normalized and I had periods every month. Since I came off of it we have put TTC into full motion! After my ovulation I noticed 3DPO some mild cramping but that was all and this weekend at 9dpo I noticed some dark spotting I was convinced it was implantation bleeding but Sunday I noticed some bright red spotting (only once) I thought I was done but this morning the dark spotting came back and I am 11 Dpo.

With my period 4 days away, I’m just so torn is it my period early (even though it’s not heavy flow) or is it implantation bleeding?

Also I took a clear blue digital test this morning and it’s negative. Maybe to early or tell I’m not sure.

My heart just wants a baby so bad so please send some baby dust my way!