31 + 5 weeks and I fell over

Lily-Mae • 🇬🇧 Mummy 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Wife💍 Child of God ✝️ 💃🏼27 Years Young 👰🏼Married 8 Years 🧒🏼Jacob 2016 🧒🏽Jude 2021 🤰🏼Bump 2033

I'm 31+5 weeks today, stupidly went shopping, and tripped on the way back to my car. I luckily fell on my side. I've been hospital, they've checked bubba, he's all good. Just so annoyed I fell. My leg and arm are so sore and I can see the bruise coming. I've proper done my back and shoulder in. Just so annoyed, I cannot remember the last time I fell over, yet did today and so annoyed had to happen when I was pregnant. Obviously so happy and blessed baby's okay, but can't get out of my head what if he's not alright.