Almost 1 month old eating habits

Hayley • Mommy to KJ 💝 🌻 TN 🌻 20 💍

Hey guys. My daughter with be a month old on Friday. She’s super gassy, and struggles to pass gas or to poop to the point she strains so hard she turns purple and cries. We give her gas drops daily and do everything we can - bicycle legs, massages on her belly and feet, push her knees to her belly, tummy time, etc. Then today, she’s finally pooped more than she has been and hasn’t been as fussy. But she’s only eating every 3.5-4 hours. Is that normal? We EBF and I feed on demand, unless we have to give her her medicine and I pump while she takes a bottle. Her diaper output is perfect, and she’s starting to sleep a little more, but also stay awake longer in between naps. I’m just worried that because she used to eat every hour to two hours, now she’s stretching to about 3-3.5 normal today.