
Not sure where else to ask about this but I need some advice. My cousin has depression ( she’s been professionally diagnosed ). It’s gotten worse , she’s 17 still in school but it seem like her mom is threatening her to kick her out once she turns 18. We are very close she talks to me about her problems & lately she’s been mentioning she’s been feeling suicidal. I try my best to listen & find some type of solution but now I don’t know what to do I’m worried for her. She told me her current therapist doesn’t listen to her ( maybe because it’s a free one due to her not having insurance ) she also took her off her meds which made her depression even worse. She’s been to a psychiatric hospital which seem like a helped for a bit but then it all started again. I’m not sure what else to do how can I help her. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her m. If you have dealt with someone with depression what are some things I can do to help her.