How to let go of someone fully?

So my ex he left me, as in just stopped seeing me, talking to me, not really give me much of an explanation leave me. He left some of his stuff here and told me to throw them out but I just don’t feel comfortable throwing out someone else’s stuff? It’s nothing major just boxers and a few T-shirt’s/ hoodie. He left me around august and last contacted me September just saying he thinks we should not speak and stuff.

Anyways... I’m wanting to move on now but sort of don’t know how. I started with the perfume he bought me, yesterday I put it back in it’s box and bag and put it away in the wardrobe. He also bought me some sports shoes which I’ve been wearing non stop since I got them in July, should I throw them out/ put them away and stop wearing them? Or even buy my own of the same? And what do I do with his stuff. I feel like I should keep it JUST in case he were to say he wanted it and I don’t wanna seem evil throwing it but also don’t want to keep it because I don’t need junk in my wardrobe. Am I doing the Right thing not wearing the perfume he got me and stuff? He never really got me anything else except the perfume and sport shoes so it’s not really much I can do to get rid of it’s only his stuff.

I also just saw a post today saying to let them go and stop holding back from the healing and I think it’s my sign to give it up now. He won’t come back and that’s just how it is.