Rude people


So I’m going to go on a small rant, when I’m on this app and scrolling through comments attached to a post about a young girl scared of getting pregnant because she did something with her boyfriend, it’s absolutely appalling that so many women on here are rude and thoughtless. Do none of you remember what it’s like to be young and have a heated moment with your man and be scared after your period is late. These girls are coming to this app and looking for someone to reassure them. So instead of criticizing them for being young reassure them and give them advice to prevent it happening later. Shit happens and that’s life everyone has been there so don’t make the person coming to you on here looking for help feel like shit and feel stupid. I’m a grown ass woman and I still get scared about being pregnant over silly shit I have PCOS and other health conditions that cause my period to be late I know this but I still get nervous. It’s really sad that grownups act like this especially on an app that’s meant to be a safe place for us to talk and ask questions.